Do slow websites annoy you? Soon, Google to flag slow portals with a label
search engine giant Google
has announced its plan to identify and label websites that typically
load slowly by way of clear badging.
is intended to identify when sites are authored in a way that makes
them slow generally, looking at historical load latencies. Further
along, we may expand this to include identifying when a page is
likely to be slow for a user based on their device and network
conditions," Google's Chrome team said in a blog post on Monday.
labelling of sites would take into account historical load latencies
and would use badges to highlight when a site is authoured to be
the Chrome team is also exploring how to identify sites that will
load slowly based on device hardware or network connectivity. The
company is also considering "context menu," which would
involve Google offering a link showing the typical speeds for the
site before a user choose to visit it. Read
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